Study the distribution, circulation and interaction of water with the environment, people, animals, and other living things. Hydrologists are scientists who study the distribution, circulation, and physical properties of underground and surface waters. They also study the form and intensity of precipitation and its rate of infiltration into the soil, movement through the earth, and return to the ocean and atmosphere.
Make a Difference
A Typical Day
- Prepare written and oral reports describing research results, using illustrations, maps, and other information.
- Design and conduct scientific hydrogeological investigations to ensure accurate information is available for water resource management decisions.
- Measure and graph phenomena such as lake levels, stream flows, and changes in water volumes.
- Apply research findings to help minimize the environmental impacts of pollution, waterborne diseases, erosion, and sedimentation.
- Study and document quantities, distribution, disposition, and development of underground and surface waters.
Recommended Credentials
Bachelor's Degree
Education & Training
Regional employers often hire graduates of these programs.
Northwest Lower Michigan
Great Lakes Water Studies Institute
— Northwestern Michigan College
— North Central Michigan College
Elsewhere in Michigan
Conservation Biology or
Fisheries & Wildlife Management
— Lake Superior State University
Hydrogeology Graduate Certificate
— Western Michigan University
Explore This Career
Try it before you buy it!
Take Environmental Science Classes at your high school, like Earth Science. Learn more about the watery world around you!
The Local Advantage Learning Pathway
Pathway 1
See if your high school offers AP classes such as
- AP Biology
- AP Environmental Science
- AP Chemistry
Dual enroll to start your Freshwater Studies Associate Degree.
Pathway 2
NMC's Freshwater Studies Program is a great opportunity to save money, while also getting hands-on experience.
Pathway 3
Conservation Biology or Fisheries & Wildlife Management
— Lake Superior State University, articulation with NMC
Contact one of these companies and ask for an informational interview, to see if you can job shadow, or to find out if they hire interns.
Sample Job Titles...
- Groundwater Consultant
- Hydrogeologist
- Hydrologist
- Source Water Protection Specialist
Hear It From The Pros
10-Year Job Growth Projections
Employed Regionally
Wage Range & Median Michigan
Annual Hires Regionally
Other Regional Career Resources
Real World Career Pathways
It doesn't have to be a straight shot! Hear from people who have taken unique pathways.