Work with programs to process and interpret large amounts of data. Transform raw data into meaningful information using programming and visualization software. Conduct this work in a wide variety of fields and industries, from manufacturing, to tech, to healthcare and more. Note: This is a rapidly growing, relatively new career, so there isn't data readily available for the local area.
A Typical Day
- Analyze, manipulate, or process large sets of data using statistical software.
- Apply feature selection algorithms to models predicting outcomes of interest, such as sales and healthcare use.
- Apply sampling techniques to determine groups to be surveyed or use complete enumeration methods.
- Compare models using statistical performance metrics, such as loss functions or proportion of explained variance.
- Write up reports on the results of the data analysis.
- Communicate with and help interpret the results of your data analysis with people who don't have the same background.
Recommended Credentials
Master's Degree
Education & Training
Regional employers often hire graduates of these programs.
Northwest Lower Michigan
Associate's Degree in Computer Information-
- Northwestern Michigan College (Technology)
- North Central Michigan College (Systems)
Elsewhere in Michigan
Bachelor's Degree in Statistics -
- Central Michigan University Applied Analytics & Statistics
- Western Michigan University
Explore This Career
Try it before you buy it!
Take introductory programming or statistics classes. You can get a start on basic programming on many websites, like CodingBat.
The Local Advantage Learning Pathway
Pathway 1
Take the math, programming, and statistics classes that your school offers. Look into AP options as well!
Pathway 2
You can pursue an associate's degree with programs in technology like -
- Northwestern Michigan College (Computer Information Technology)
- North Central Michigan College (Computer Information Systems)
These will give you a great starting point to continue on in education
Pathway 3
Transfer to and complete a Bachelor's Program followed by a Master's program like at-
Contact one of these companies and ask for an informational interview, to see if you can job shadow, or to find out if they hire interns.
10-Year Job Growth Projections
Employed Regionally
Wage Range & Median 10-County Region
Annual Hires Regionally
Other Regional Career Resources
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